We’re the Pinellas Plumber You Can Recommend to Anyone with Confidence!
Petrovic Plumbing has quickly become a household name around St. Pete and the Gulf Beaches. That’s because we don’t waste a lot of time. We can usually identify the source of your plumbing issue quickly, whether it’s a clogged drain, a leak in your slab, or a problem with your sewer line. Even your biggest plumbing nightmare will be met with a professional, friendly attitude and a fair price. Even our commercial clients know that Petrovic Plumbing won’t give you the runaround. We simply do our very best to be the best and get your water flowing again. It’s what’s made us one of the top-recommended plumbers in Tampa Bay! We look forward to serving you!

Other plumbers say they’re available nights and weekends, but Petrovic is the one that won't let you down. Call Us!
727-643-6598 OR Request Service
The Guarantee That Made Us Famous
We’re Not Happy Until You’re Happy
With some plumbers, you never know what you’re going to get. They may know what they’re doing, but ignore the part where it’s your house and you know what you need. Petrovic will never walk away from a job if you’re not happy. We will always do our best to fix the problem to the best of our ability. If there’s an issue, we’ll tell you. We will always respect the fact that we are providing a service to you and we will always tell you the truth–regardless of the situation. Guaranteed.
Serving St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Seminole, Largo, Dunedin, Pinellas Park, South Pasadena & More!
Neighborhood Watchdog
We Keep an Eye Out for Trouble
As a community service, we pay attention to our surroundings. If something just doesn’t seem right, we may call the proper authorities to get a second opinion. It’s in everyone’s interest to keep our neighborhoods safe. We’re happy to make it part of our commitment to you.
- 24 Hours a Day
- No Extra Surcharges
- Quick Phone Estimates
- Friendly Service
- Large Service Area
- Leak/Inspection
- Old Heater Removal
- Shopping/Acquisition
- Free Delivery
- Professional Installation
- Standard | Tankless
- Clogged Sink Drains
- Clogged Shower Drains
- Clogged Toilets/Snake
- Sewer Line Repair
and Replacement - Cleanout Installation
- Faucet Installation
- Toilet Installation
- Shower Valves
- Shower Pans
- Most Fixtures
- Leak Detection
- Video Inspection
- Slab Leaks
- Pipe Cleaning
- Pipe Installation